You Only Go Once (Y.O.G.O.)

Restoration and Resilience: Meredyth Willets on Intuition, Healing, and Personal Growth

Eileen Grimes and Cheryl Cantafio Episode 22

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Ever marveled at the power of intuition or the therapeutic beauty of restoring an old house? Come join us as we chat with Meredyth Willets, a distinguished life coach, author, and a global podcast sensation. She takes us on her latest adventure of transforming a dilapidated Michigan property into a vibrant, welcoming home, while captivating a substantial online audience with her progress.

Meredyth gives us a glimpse into her journey of nurturing positivity and tranquility on her social media platforms, even in the face of critics. Listen closely as she unveils the strength that lies in resilience, acceptance, and viewing life's hurdles as steppingstones towards growth. She also shares the rich history of her family's barn and her creative spin on refurbishing a massive 40-foot RV.

Moving forward, the conversation shifts towards personal growth and reflection on our progress. Meredyth inspires us to pause, acknowledge our achievements, regardless of their size, and shares insightful tips on maintaining motivation. Hear about her exploration of intuition in everyday life and her personal process of honing her intuitive abilities. Wrapping up with a powerful discussion on mediumship and intuition, Meredyth shares her fascinating experiences and insights. Join us for this exciting journey of growth, healing, and self-discovery.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to you. Only Go Once, or as we like to call it, yogo. I am here with my amazing co-host, eileen Grimes. Hi, eileen, hi, hi. So today we're here. Happy Monday. Happy Monday, we are here today with a fantastic guest, eileen. Kick us off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely so. Today we're here with Meredith Willett, who is an intuitive life coach, author and thought leader, whose podcast Meredith with a Y is within the top 1.5% of the most listened to podcasts in the world. If you haven't listened to it, go listen to it, subscribe. Like all the things, she's developed an impressive and loyal following, a global following, with over 1 million followers on TikTok, facebook and Instagram. Meredith works with 20-somethings to CEOs and everyone in between to guide and help each person heal and find the life they dream about. She's married to her husband, jim, and his mother to four children ages 11 through 26, and resides in Chicago.

Speaker 3:

I had the pleasure of meeting Meredith in a mentoring group A little while ago. I was in 21,. Right Gosh, the years have just flown by. I can't even believe it, but I was inspired when I first met Meredith, and just the light that she had to share with the group and her vulnerability and openness were so amazing and I looked up to her I know it's crazy, but I did and I just thought you were going so many places and it's so cool to see where you've come in just the past couple years. So welcome, welcome, welcome, meredith.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you so much for that beautiful introduction, Eileen. So nice to see and meet you. Cheryl, I appreciate you guys having me on today. I'm really looking forward to this conversation and what we can get into today.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely so. First and foremost, I know you've recently moved or sort of recently, are working on a restoration project. How's that going? So I've been following along.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a lot and it's been kind of miraculous. So we purchased a property in Michigan, southwest Michigan, on a lake in November 4th and I've been watching this property for about three years. We do have a home just north of this property, on the same exact lake, and I can see it right out of my front picture window, right. And so I've been watching this property and the people like never showed up. They never came. So I would go drink coffee and make tiktoks on their bridge because there's an island on the property and so I would go there and I'd bring my dog and I basically was trespassing, but I didn't do it. You know what I mean? I was just sitting there, right, and because at my house was my family and there was no family at their house, so I would just sit there and chill and lo and behold, it ended up going up for sale.

Speaker 2:

It was a complete fluke. We were not even going to go up there that weekend. We had never gone up to the lake without our kids. We just popped up there, my husband and I for the weekend and he called me as I'm driving up, but he said, holy crap, the island house is for sale. I'm like, oh my God, it was like a three alarm fire, you know, it's like call every realtor, you know, call the phone right. And so we got up there and it was just an entire world when that weekend. And so it's 20 acres, 2000 feet of lake frontage and there is a one and a half acre island on it. Wow, part of this property.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we did like it was just like I remember I was folding clothes and I'm like just tell them 50 grand cash, like I'm like losing it, right, I'm just like throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. And it was so funny because our realtor was running the Chicago marathon and I'm like tell them to stop. I need help, like get out of this race, anyways, so we ended up getting the property and actually like three I would say it was three deals had to fall through to let us get this. So when I tell you the, the stars aligned and I'm so actually glad we're having this conversation because it's been a rough week with the house, oh no, it's reminding me why, right, yeah, the stars really had to align and we actually ended up buying the property from the three daughters and no one had been there for around four years.

Speaker 2:

So my daughter, who's 14, said mom, you should really start documenting everything you find and everything that happens, because a lot was left behind. Yeah, I had, around, let's say, november 4th, I had about 2000 Facebook followers on my business page and I had, I think it was, 11,000 Instagram followers on my business page and right now, because of the house, my Facebook is about 285,000 followers and Instagram's at 364,000 followers. Wow, watching this house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe it, I believe it, I 100% believe it. Here's why Because I need to know, because I am obsessed with like all of the house things. On Instagram and Facebook there's like cheap old houses. There's another one that talks about like buying older homes, and I am obsessed with the capital O because it's so fascinating to see what went into different homes, like mid-century models are my jam. Like I will be, like I will stare at pictures and be obsessed. There's one, I think, called Zillow Gone Wild, that I'm obsessed with as well, because it's just like there's so much life that goes into a house and the fact that not only are you seeing the life that was there, but now you're building a new life into that. So it's I'm really excited for you because it must be such a wonderful thing and to have all that property, the island, the, you know just the lakeside alone.

Speaker 2:

Just that moment.

Speaker 1:

Like that's got to be like so zen, it's zen.

Speaker 2:

I don't know the house right now. The house is.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to get there. I was going to get there.

Speaker 2:

The house was built by hand by the grandfather in 1939 and all of the bricks and it's basically, I think, cinderblock and it was barged over because the you know, the bridge is just two, three feet wide of wood planks and so basically everything that got over there had to be barged. And it's not far but it doesn't matter, you still need to get there. The bridge is about 80 feet long and so a lot was left behind A lot of foot lockers from the military, old trunks, you name it. You can't imagine it's baby shoes and bronze shoes and Texaco trucks. It's like it's the whole thing right, and I've got about 60 seconds to put out a reel. Like that's the time limit to put a reel out and you have to tell a story in 60 seconds and you can imagine how many people are just kind of, I think, checking out from the negativity of the world for that 60 seconds and it's like they get, they get lost, like I.

Speaker 2:

There's a barn on the property and everything was left pretty much in the workshop and I will literally I have made videos just panning over baby food, drawers of screws and nails and people are transported back to their grandfather's barn or garage or their dad that is no longer with us. They're like, oh my God, I can smell the grease and the sawdust. Like you just took me back to my childhood and I think that it's tapping into that nostalgia. The stove that was in there we did take it out. We are going to sell it was actually the same stove as in the TV show Bewitched, and was also a part of a lot of people's homes.

Speaker 2:

And so like they haven't seen a stove like that in half a century, you know, like you're just touching on something that they haven't been able to touch in decades, or since their mom was alive, or since they had dinner at their grandmother's house, and so I think that I have been captured by this property and by way of that, I think I'm just kind of maybe articulating something that people really want to be a part of. I mean, it's over half a million followers in like a few months. Clearly, people are wanting something positive, and that's what I hear over and over again. I mean, the rate of comments is overwhelming with positivity. Thank you so much. Thank you for saving this house, thank you for sharing your journey. I think that people just want something besides the news or the Kardashians, and they want to be able to kind of have a safe space, even if it's just for one minute of the day.

Speaker 3:

I think there's something to be said, like you said there's.

Speaker 3:

There's that connection to the past, there's connection to the memories, like there's I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I mean, look, I we could go philosophical, we could go spiritual, we could go so many different routes here.

Speaker 3:

Right, I think connection, real, true connection to other people, other humans, whether it's the greater life force or whatever we wanna call it right, there's something in that that you're sharing that has opened people's hearts in a way that makes them and gives them that connection that they haven't maybe felt in a really long time. And I just I thank goodness. I mean thank goodness that these kinds of I'm seeing more of this kind of stuff, and hopefully, you know, like that's the goal with what we're doing here too is like how do we find more of this good, how do we keep connecting people to that? Because I think we're ready as a species, kind whatever, to go to that next level and it has to be through those kinds of things, those kinds of connections to each other. And what an amazingly interesting gift the whole thing has been, from finding the house and just even doing TikToks there to now having it and sharing it with other people. Like it just feels like there's something bigger that was meant to be through the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean it's bringing me through so many challenges too, you know, and the stories that people have shared in just the comment section have been really powerful to me, the fact that people are so willing but also able to go in and talk about something maybe they haven't talked about in a while. You know, just, even if it's just in the comment section. People are sending me pictures of their home and their projects. People are sending me, you know, their felt craft dining wear that I was showing in some random video that was left behind. I think, like you hit the nail on the head, it's a safe space of community. That's positive. I think people are kind of on to like I really don't know if I want to spend my time and energy on the news or on negativity or things that don't matter. Like I kind of want to be in this space, for even if it's like I said just a comment and a like and then I see people talking back and forth and I actually just had to post the other day because I don't know if it's a Midwest thing, but we say especially, and I guess that's not a word, and so, like it just comes out of my mouth, like you have to. You know, like I especially hate that. Like I say it wrong, right, and I talked to a couple of people in my town here in the Midwest and I'm like is this a thing? Like I know how to spell it, but it just rolls off the tongue that way and she goes. I absolutely say it like that.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, long story, someone annihilated me for it and she was a teacher and it just it struck me interesting because I try to be like so gracious and so forgiving and so you just look over shit, you know. And then she proceeded to say it's like if you just said, axed, I'm done listening to you and I'm like whoa, and so I put a post. I'm like if you were correcting me and I say something wrong, message me. You know, like if I'm doing something but this is not gonna be a beat up, meredith Like I'm gonna maybe say something wrong or I'm gonna, you know, put something out there that's wacky or whatever. Like you know, I put this museum of science and history and someone's like it's science and industry. I'm like I get it Like I'm gonna do things wrong. I'm a human being, but I have to keep it a safe space and that's how I've always done it.

Speaker 2:

On TikTok too, like I block every. I have pages of people blocked, pages, thousands of people blocked, because I'm just not gonna go there. And you know there's so many trolls out there like and you can see them right away. But some people speak different based on where they're from. If you're from the South, you might have a different dialect than if you're from the East Coast or the Midwest or wherever, and you might have a different way of talking from whatever family you were raised in or where your parents were raised. And so I just wanna make it a safe place.

Speaker 2:

So I put if you treat me badly, you're getting blocked immediately, cause I can't, like I am so at my bandwidth with this house and trying to get it ready and done, and then I'm trying to put my heart and soul out there and really bring people some. And then you're gonna tell me I'm saying especially wrong, like I can't with that, like it's just there's, but there's some people that wanna live in that space and there's others that are trying to change the world. And I wanna be a part of the ladder, I wanna be a part of changing the planet and I wanna bring people one minute of joy a day, a week, a month, whatever it is, and change the world for better, and I know that that's what you're here trying to do as well. Like you're, either you're either with us or you're against us. I sometimes feel you know what I mean, and it's just like.

Speaker 2:

Life is tough. It is, you know, and I don't care if you have a million dollars, you can still get cancer and if you can, you know, if you have cancer, you can still have good things in your life and you can have money and you can. It doesn't matter. We all have a difficulty and you know that was another thing. Well, I guess you're some rich person that buys an island must be nice, like there was a lot of those comments and you know, I had to understand that these are people that are coming from a place where they're having a rough go, they are having a rough time, and it probably is hard listening to me complain about taking down wallpaper when these people may not have a home to live in. And so you have to be super sensitive and you need to be super aware of yourself, and you know you have to be mindful to not complain about a blessing but, at the same time, be able to talk about challenges and overcoming them. So when I tell you this is a balance, it is a balance Like I'm walking on ice all the time, trying to make sure that I'm being vulnerable and I'm trying to deliver a message but, at the same time being really, really aware that people have real struggles, and that doesn't mean that I don't. They're just different.

Speaker 2:

Right now, you know, there's a lot of people that weren't signing up to be me when I was going through breast cancer. Right, there was no, there weren't people lining up to be me that day. But then you can pick and choose and say, oh, you're lucky when we're not talking about breast cancer, when we're talking about a property, so, like you don't get to pick and choose out of people's lives, right, you have to take the whole package. So, but people do have a rough time and I think that all we can do is just keep working towards a positive, and that's what I do with my life coaching, that's what I do on social media. I'm always trying to bring some sort of information my book, my podcast, it doesn't matter what. It is Trying to give people tools to get through this a little bit easier, just a little smidgen easier than they were maybe yesterday.

Speaker 1:

So I have a question for you. You had talked about you do these 60 second reels or videos or what have you and you had mentioned that people were transported by baby jars filled with screws or nails or stuff like that. That was a big one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people loved that.

Speaker 1:

Was there anything in the house in particular that was left behind that had a profound impact on you?

Speaker 2:

So the upstairs of the barn actually has what was the grandfather's doctor's office.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So when I went up there and this is another thing, people don't understand they're like this is clickbait, you aren't showing us what's in the boxes. I'm like, bro, I was in the attic for 20 minutes and I had stuff to do Like I haven't gone through any of this stuff.

Speaker 2:

Like what people are seeing is in real time. So I went up in the doctor's office and there's like a hand washing thing and like the paint is all like faded. It used to be like pink and green and now it's like dusty and chipped paint. And there was just like there's this sink up there which we're actually repurposing into the bathroom of the house a pedestal sink and on the sink was like a pipette and like this wood cabinet. It just transported me back to what it was like. You know what I mean, like what that was like. So like being in that doctor's office I think was really interesting and the trunks I've really enjoyed. Just like the trunks and the addresses there's lots of dates I'm sorry addresses and return addresses spray painted on the top of them.

Speaker 2:

I was just talking with one of the daughters the other day via text and I said, look, when I went up in the attic and I see and everything is exactly the way I'm finding it, you know people are like, oh, it looks staged, there's no dust. I'm like, oh, she want me to create dust. So I did a whole video of dust just because I was like so sick of hearing about there's no dust. I'm like, trust me, there's dust and splinters. I was covered in splinters, and so the full lockers are all lined up, and then there's these trunks. And so in my video I was talking about like my imagination was running wild because I knew that the mom was a formerly trained chef in Paris and the dad had come from Germany and they had met and then they had come over to America, right, and so these are the parents. So I knew that these trunks had to cross the Atlantic, so I mentioned that in one of my videos, and so everyone's like oh, that's not the case, you don't know what you're talking about. Like blah, blah, blah. Everyone's like, everyone knows everything, yes, by the way. And so, especially on Facebook, they know everything. To be clear, well, I should go on. I'm telling you they are the yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I'm texting the daughter and I'm like Okay, what's with the trunks, what's with the Footlockers? And she's like my grandfather, the Footlockers, my dad, the Footlockers. She said but the trunks brought all of our stuff from Europe. When my parents met and my mother was always like, it was like when she did a table, she said it was beautiful, the place settings, it was a four course meal. Every single night with these girls. They're like, oh my God, can we just have Mac and G's? And the mother it was like her religion, you know. And she said her mom always talked about that. The way that she packed the trunks to come over from Europe to the United States, only one glass broke and she would tell that story to everybody. So the damn trunks came over the Atlantic from Europe in wherever the heck that happened it probably the 50s and yeah, so I was right. So my imagination that was running wild. I was correct and I have proof from the daughter who told me so.

Speaker 2:

But this is what I'm. It makes me crazy and I don't want it to make me crazy. I don't want to be offended by people questioning. Like people thought I was lying that we didn't know there was a boat in the Boathouse. We had no, I had no idea there was a boat in the Boathouse. When we opened that and we saw a boat sitting there, everyone's like it's gone viral seven million views on this damn Boathouse video. And like we didn't know we were getting the RV until that morning and it's cause it's been sitting there and it could have been gone. So now I have a 40 foot RV I have to sell.

Speaker 2:

So, like we had no clue what were in these buildings, we only I only went in. I think it was four of the seven buildings when we decided to purchase. I never even went in the other buildings. Everyone's like everyone does an inspection. We didn't. Everyone looks through the property before they buy it. We didn't. So it can be a little challenging, but I also believe that it's a process for me to stop caring what other people think of me. It's a process for me to be gracious to people who don't know any better or who think that they have to correct me or think that they need to put me in my place. So this is also my challenge. Not only is it a challenge to turn the bathroom into a working bathroom, it's a challenge, by way of humanity, to just like be like. You know what people are gonna say, what they're gonna say, but it's my. Get some thicker skin, meredith, like deal with it.

Speaker 3:

It's so interesting Cause I so I remember when we met, I think you were working on this and it's interesting. It's interesting how life keeps throwing those challenges and lessons until you get them. Yeah, yeah, obviously it's a whole different level with where you were at then versus where you were at now. I just I do remember, though, that that switch for you when you're like I don't care, I just put up some videos, and they crushed Like these things went nuts, nuts.

Speaker 2:

Like that was when I just first started TikTok. Like I got up from the meeting that you and I were in I think I was crying in that meeting, I like lost my shit and I was like I can't take it anymore. I'm so in my head, I'm holding myself back because of whatever it is. It's so hard for me to even be that remember who that person was and I got up from this exact seat and went in, sat in the floor of my closet and just started recording videos and within like I don't even know how much time maybe a couple of months it was like 10,000 viewers or followers and then it was like 50,000. And now it's at 600 and I think 10,000 followers on TikTok.

Speaker 2:

But I had to have that breakdown.

Speaker 2:

Like I had like a complete breakdown on Saturday about the island and then on Sunday, like I felt invigorated again and then today, like I feel like I'm on this like rollercoaster of like going down and then pulling myself back up and it's like happening faster and faster every single day and it's like I know that the light is at the end of the tunnel and I just have to keep my eye on the prize and I know everything is working out for my greatest good, because I'm still breathing on this planet and I'm gonna be okay.

Speaker 2:

And it's how I deal with it, it's how I get back up, it's how I use it to fuel myself as a catalyst for movement forward and just keep getting up and getting up. I was driving home. Oh my God, eileen, cheryl, I can't. I was driving home from the island house on Saturday. We go there once a week to check on it. We're gonna be there all spring break working on it. I'm driving home with my husband. I'm almost catatonic because of the fact that I'm super irritated of what I found when I got there.

Speaker 2:

There was some stuff that went on. And so I call this guy to ask him about something. He had been in the house and was looking at some shower situations and I said, well, what would you do? Now, mind you, I'm already in a bad place, bad, I'm in a bad negative place, I'm low. And this guy says to me you wanna really know what I would do. Now this guy's just supposed to come in. He just looked about putting glass doors on the shower. Okay, he goes. I bulldozed the damn thing. I'd knock the whole thing in and start over from scratch and I was like, oh my God, I can't. Oh my God, I'm like oh my God.

Speaker 2:

I can't with this and I just hung up the phone. I'm like, okay, thanks for the information. And I went and I laid on the couch and I ate berries for dinner because digestion was the last thing I wanted to do. And I woke up Sunday and I felt like a million bucks and I meditated and I said you know what? I'm not gonna let his opinion of what I'm doing do that to me. I'm not gonna do this because there's a lot of people that might see what I'm doing and be like this is so stupid, why?

Speaker 2:

And there's days that I think to myself you had money in the bank and now you don't. What were you thinking? And that's tough. But I just keep telling myself that there's gotta be a bigger purpose, even if I'm about 100% sure of it. Every day and I'm gonna tell you every morning I get up and I get my coffee and I go open social media and the comments that people are like you're killing it, you're doing awesome, Keep the good work going. Like we're so inspired by you, You're changing things and you made my life great today.

Speaker 2:

Like I was missing my mom and I went back and watched her video and it made me just remember her and how much I loved her. And, to be honest with you, it's like it brings tears to my eyes because I'm like you know, what if this damn house does fall into the damn lake? What if I changed a million people's lives by watching these stupid ass videos? Right, you know what I mean. And so this guy who's telling me to bulldoze it I don't know if he's ever had that opportunity to have someone message him and say you just changed the way I think about my whole life.

Speaker 2:

There's no amount of money to pay for someone saying that to you, that you change their perspective of the way they see their existence. That's huge to me. And I know that sounds like Pollyanna or whatever Like, but I gotta tell you like that's a gift from God, that's a gift from the universe, and I know that when I take my last breath, the people are gonna be like, oh, that sucks, that she died because she was a pretty cool chick. You know what I mean. Like she really cared about people. And I know Eileen's gonna say it because she's gonna know that this is actually the real Meredith, you know Like totally yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of people don't realize that like this is who I'm always. Like this is who I am all the time, every single day. The only thing I will say is my voice is quite different when I do my videos. I do have kind of a melancholy, like I just smoke three packs of cigarettes on my videos. But it's working, it's reeling them in. But it's been rough.

Speaker 2:

But I'm really proud of myself, because we remodeled an 1892 house in New Jersey when we first got married, probably around 2010. And every time the workers would show up to the house I would have anxiety attacks, my back would start hurting and I would be very, very overwhelmed. I couldn't ask them anything. I'd have to send my husband to ask him. Like I wasn't good with confrontation or asking for what I wanted. And now I'm really empowered. I'm a completely different person. Like just before I got on this call, I'm like texting one of the workers and I'm like no, like this is not okay and I'm not the same person that I was.

Speaker 2:

So I can see that transition in myself and I think that people I think people sometimes don't slow down enough to see how far they've come. Oh yeah, I think they forget, like you were a totally different person six months or two years, like look how far you've come, like now you're not afraid to ask for what you want or have confrontation or, I don't know, deal with money or whatever the thing is. I think people sometimes don't check in with how proud they should be of themselves, cause I can see such a transformation in me and these big, crazy, weird projects that I've done and it's very obvious to me, so I don't know. I think that people should really check in with with where they're at on their journey and how far they've come.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, and so this is one of the things with our day job, but also it was something that I sort of I don't coin's not the right word, it's fine, but this concept of reflect for a sec, and so I would talk with our leads and things like that it's like, take a minute, You've come this far in the year. What have you seen that you've done? How do we take a moment to just say, wow, I've really made progress in this? It might, it still is hard and it still feels really difficult, and I've done things that have made me a different person from here to there. And one of our guests that we talked to that I love was talking about the five years from now me, right? Am I still the person five years from now, and would I be okay with that?

Speaker 3:

I just it's so interesting thinking about not only that looking forward, but also the looking back right and how often I try to do that as often as I can, and I'm trying to help my kids with it and things like that too. But there's just so much go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go go. We have to stop every once in a while to say we have I changed? Have I been doing what I really set out to do? If I am great, let's celebrate it One. If I haven't, where do I need to turn? What do I need to do next? That is going to write me in the direction that I really wanna go and I just, I think I see Meredith now, that is, I mean, I still see you in the knowing of you before and I still see this amazing person now and how much you've grown and done. And I just it is so wonderful to have these catchups, Guys. We should catch up in like two more years, Like what are you doing now?

Speaker 3:

I know right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just I heard what was it. It's like, would this make your eight-year-old and 80-year-old self-proud, right? And that puts it into so much perspective. Like is my 80-year-old Meredith gonna look back and go brah, you should have confronted that person or you should have stood up for yourself. And then I look back to my eight-year-old self and I'm like we got this, you're gonna turn out okay, like, don't worry about it. Like we done good, you know, and there was actually.

Speaker 2:

There's a gal. She wrote from individual to empire. She's actually in hey Mama, and I have the book somewhere, but I don't know where it's at right now. Anyways, she talks about the fact that we never set a goalpost, especially when you're an entrepreneur. And she was talking in the book. She talks about the fact that she was representing this musician and this musician was on his tour bus you know his half a million dollar tour bus and he's on his way to this huge venue and she's talking to him and he's freaking out, asking is it sold out, is it sold out? And giving her all this grief. And she's sitting on the tour bus with him and she says you do know, a year ago you were playing to an empty bar driving around in a beat up van right.

Speaker 3:

Right yep.

Speaker 2:

Like, set the goalpost, set it, recognize when you get there and celebrate it. And I just did a video on a TikTok actually and it's funny what goes viral? It's like I don't even know one and a half million views right now. And I just said there's no end game. And it just like hit me Like we keep waiting to be happy. Yeah, when my husband retires, when my kids move out, when I lose 20 pounds, when I get a hundred thousand dollars in the bank, when I, when I, when I sell the house, and so there's no end game. As soon as you get the new couch, you're gonna want the new end table. As soon as you get the new end table, you're gonna want a new chandelier. There's no end game for happiness. You can't get done because desire comes from within it all times, and so we never will ever stop to celebrate because we're always on to the next thing, which is why it's so important to set those goal posts.

Speaker 2:

And it's funny because I actually did that. It was so funny. I told myself on TikTok which is the dumbest thing when I look back at it, but I don't care, it was fun and I'll never forget it. So how dumb was it. They said, when I get to 10,000 followers, I'm buying myself a Gucci belt, Love it, like that's a good goal and like I'm never gonna get there. So screw it right, I'm never gonna get it. And then I got 10,000 followers. And then I got 100,000 followers. And then I got and I'm like I can't keep buying myself shit for followers because but now that I'm saying that I actually think I should get the Gucci shoes if I hit a million followers because that might

Speaker 2:

like, send the universe some incentives, and why not? Right. And so the thing of it is, if we don't pay attention in the daily of how far we've come, I mean, I remember when and I talk about it all the time on my podcast I could not come up with $10 when I was a single mom to go to McDonald's. I couldn't do it. We were going to save a lot and buy 99 cent cheese pizzas that I don't really know that there's actually cheese on them, damn things. Sure. And you know like I was going to big lots to buy Christmas present and there's nothing wrong with that, and there's still nothing wrong with that. But now I have to say I have learned that I was willing to accept 60% of the world around me, 60% of what I was worth, 60% of friendship, 60% from my family, 60% from everything. And I just realized, like, literally in the last two weeks, the way you do one thing is the way you freaking do everything, and the way one person treats you and you let them is the way the entire planet is going to treat you. You have to understand that you are the barometer for the way that the world experiences you, and I literally was on the phone. I finally made a phone call to a family member and I was on the phone with this person today and they started fear mongering and I go I'm not doing this. I'm not, I'm not doing this. I feel like you. You don't understand. What they do is. They follow you and they followed this woman to Texas and then they beat the hell out of her. And this is the story I'm hearing on the phone and I said I can't, I can't live like this. I love you, but there's really there's people following me right now in the car because I'm on a street. Do you want me to be wacko? I'm trying to do all of these things and it's the fear mongering and it's just like I can't.

Speaker 2:

I protect your peace and so you have to protect your peace. You have to teach the world how to treat you. You have to understand that the way you do things and the way you celebrate yourself and the way you celebrate the world around you, it matters, you matter, it matters All of it, all of it matters, and none of it matters, but all of it sort of matters at the same time too, right, like. But it's up to you to make sure that you're celebrating and understanding. You are your legacy, right. You are the 80 year old. You are the eight year old that is watching you going.

Speaker 2:

Are you gonna accept that or are you gonna do something about it? You gonna buy the Gucci belt. You're gonna keep your word, because that's the thing I had to buy the damn Gucci belt, because otherwise I'd have been lying to myself, I wouldn't have done what I told myself I was gonna do, right, and it was just gonna. Well, maybe I'll just do 20,000. No, I had to do it at 10 because I promised myself I was going to. I kept that bet. That's some powerful shit right there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is so again. So much, I feel like you should just drop the mic Don't, because it'll ruin the whole conversation after this crash Right, they are noisy when you touch them.

Speaker 3:

They really are very sensitive, these mics, but yeah, so I have definitely been going through some of that and I think some of it is acknowledging that we are worth the space to take up in the first place and that took me a long time To even. You know, you say protect your peace and things like that. To say that I even felt enough to have my own peace. That needed protecting was a first step and boy oh boy, it just felt like a snowball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, after that, you know, you enter your villain era, as these kids call it right. It's like I got a taste of it. You know, oh Meredith, what happened to Naysaylene? She's not Naysay anymore. It's like no, actually I am kind. To myself now, but I'm not gonna be nice and right, I am a priority. Yeah, it's huge Game changer.

Speaker 3:

It definitely is. And yeah, I mean just the perception to the rest of the world is like, well, if I'm being nice to everyone else and just disregarding everything that I'm feeling I'm not actually doing anyone justice in this situation, I am not helping myself, I am not leading a life in which my input is gonna matter, like there's just so much to it that until I have the voice of my own that I realize can make a difference. You know, that's the first, that was the first step for me, and so now we're here. Yeah, so it's been huge and amazing and terrifying all at the same time.

Speaker 3:

So I just your words mean so much and I just it resonates so much with me in sort of this journey as well. So it's fun to see someone else going through that. Now I do have it's a little bit of a pivot here. But with your intuitive side, where does that play a part in some of the stuff that you're doing, whether it's coaching or I mean even in the house, renovations or even with yourself as you're growing, like what does that look like for you? And how does that gift that you have cultivated and grown and nurtured like? How does that play a part in everything that you're doing.

Speaker 2:

Well, oddly enough, it's like literally what we're talking about here, and I just had a client this morning. We were talking about the voice in your head, right, the bitch that tells you you're too fat and you shouldn't be a podcast host and no one wants to really hear what you have to say anyway, so don't make the video like the voice right. And so when you name the voice and recognize that the liar in your head is not actually you but programming that you acquired since birth from your family and church and school and the playground, when you can shut that voice down by naming it, recognizing it and telling it to be quiet and hearing when she shows up, he or she, however, you want to identify the voice. When you start to shut that voice down could be you call it the ego right, intrusive thoughts. Whatever, what happens is that your intuition can be louder, your guides can be louder, your spirit can be louder. You cannot have your ego screaming. Be small and listen to your guides that say be great. At the same time, you only get to listen to one or the other. It's almost like the movies where it was the devil and the angel right, like that's literally very, very on point, if you want to visual.

Speaker 2:

And so, as I started doing the work and my intuition is growing, and my intuition is growing and I also do mediumship and all that other stuff. So how does that work in my everyday life? Well, first of all, it works in coaching. In that 30 to 60 minute appointment I can get to the root of a problem with somebody. That it might take, I don't know, a year to two years in regular therapy. Sure, because you cannot hide from me, I will find you, I will find the problem, I will root it out, even if you don't know it's there, and we'll have that amazing moment, right, of clarity. So in coaching, that's how it works. But we all have this gift. I am not special, I am sensitive, I am empathic, which, as we've learned, are trauma responses and survival tools. Right, like, reading the room is a survival tool, and so I've just honed in on it over a decade. Like I always tell people, if I went to medical school, I would be a doctor. Now, instead I studied energy, and so now I'm a psychic medium. You too could do this.

Speaker 2:

And so how does it work In my life? It works as active faith. It works as I'm not listening to the negative voice in my head any longer. I know I can shut it out and go. No, I have active faith that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and that everything is working out for my greatest good. Even sometimes when it doesn't feel like it, even when it is breast cancer, I still know I am here to learn something and I'm going to come out better on this side than beforehand. I'm going to learn how to be vulnerable. I'm going to learn how to ask for help. I'm going to start going on trips with my daughter and stop waiting till my husband retires to live my life.

Speaker 2:

And so the thing of it is is I use it with coaching, but I also use it in my everyday life of trusting the voice that says turn left and you need milk. Because every time I don't listen to the voice that says you need milk, I go home and open the milk and it is spoiled to beat the band or empty or in the garbage can because my kid just finished it while I was at the store. Like it's that inner whisper that we ignore. We poo, poo it so often and it's actually real. It's a real thing and if we paid attention to it, that voice, the kind voice that's loving and says you need to buy AA batteries.

Speaker 2:

We would be so much better off and we would write the book and we would start the podcast and we wouldn't be afraid and we would paint the painting and we would make the phone caller send the text. Because those are the moments when you say, over and over I hear people say it's so weird, I was just thinking about her and I was going to send her a text and I don't know why I didn't. If you would have listened to the voice that said send the text, you would have been able to send the text or the call before they passed away. But we inherently don't recognize our inner power because there's so much noise in our head, there's so much self doubt. We're trying to figure out what's what, and so I feel that all of us can use that tool of naming that negative voice that's fear mongering and telling us that we're not good enough and telling us that we're fat and we shouldn't go out and no one cares about us and your husband doesn't want to come home anyways and your kids hate you.

Speaker 2:

Anything you wanted was good and has scary characters. Yesterday we did a video number for you. L babbing each other and yesterday this guide sent us a email on 21ств. 這晚 went down to the online. You don't forget to click the link to email that gift and send it in. Huh, it'll be fine, whereas before it would start a whole storyline. The storyline would just go and it would take over my day, and then it would take over my weeks and it would take over my sleep and there was no escaping it. And now I recognize that I'm allowed to have peace in my head and amaze that there's people, do you know that? There's people that don't have an inner monologue at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, isn't that weird that I don't know how to get anything done like how do you go into the bathroom without thinking I got to the bathroom, yeah. How does that work? I don't understand. They just go to the bathroom. They don't think Wow, imagine not having anything in your head ever. They just do it's?

Speaker 1:

it's either a gift or a curse, depending right now how do you think about something?

Speaker 3:

So I'm a Pisces and I don't know what that would look like. I they're the whole world and universe inside of here. So I, and an introvert at that, so I just I that's crazy to not go. Sorry, that's not crazy, that's interestingly different. Yeah, yeah, no voice in the head.

Speaker 2:

I can't imagine. Yeah, so I wonder what that's like. But you know, either way, like, we're all into intuitive, we're all mediums. You know like when you think about something, somebody, and they call you or you know, you tell your grandparents like, leave me change, and then you see change everywhere all the time. That's a form of mediumship, you know, like, and it's just a matter of believing in it. But the ego, the liar, says oh, you're making it up in your head, oh, you're just, you're just imagining that. No, you're not, you're not.

Speaker 2:

When I first started doing this, my thing was when I, when I started getting better at it and better at it, and better at it, it was because I stopped listening to a liar, I stopped filtering and I just would blurt it out. We like, what's with the peach bridesmaids dresses? You know, like made no sense to me and people were like, oh, that was my sister, she had peach bridesmaids dresses and that's like Okay, you know, and and so like. But we doubt ourselves so much and the world tells us to doubt ourselves.

Speaker 2:

And when you stop doubting yourself and you believe in yourself and you don't listen to guys on the phone that tell you to bulldoze your house and you say you know what? I'm not listening to you. I'm not listening to the fact that I should wait to 20,000 Viewers to get the belt. I'm gonna do it now. I'm gonna celebrate myself now and you know, you just got to keep remembering the eight-year-old and the eight-year-old, because that's who you're answering to. That's the only two people that you're gonna answer to. That's the only two people you need to think about and make proud, because everything else will fall into place if you do that it works off out.

Speaker 3:

So I'm actually working on my intuition right now, just just so you know. Nice, I have a class.

Speaker 2:

I have a class you do. I have a mediumship 101 and an intuition class.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, I'm gonna have to go take a look at that. But yes, I'm working with with somebody on that and I'm have finally quieted that voice. Yeah, yeah, I'm good for you, I did yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but these, but those tools are a game changer. Yeah, recognizing that that voice isn't you. Mm-hmm, society, that, that social media, that that's school, that that's your mom and dad and that's the mean friend on the next street, that's living in your head. Yeah, people think that that's them. Those are thoughts. Those aren't you. Yep, if they were a thought, you wouldn't have to. You wouldn't be able to choose between. Do I like pink or blue? Who the hell are you talking to? Who's listening? What's going on in there? Right, do I want to eat something for lunch? Who are you talking to? They're just thoughts. You can decide to ignore them or you can decide to listen to them. If it were you, that would not be the case. You can't listen to something that's not you. If it's you, yep, I mean, I know that. That's that's. That's quite the concept. But tell me I'm not. I mean I can't. But that's accurate, totally.

Speaker 2:

that's, you know, the power of now I think it was that's the one that he talked about like that's profound, oh my gosh, so good it is, it totally is so in terms of mediumship.

Speaker 3:

Has it? Has anything come from the house?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I had my first ghost experience. Oh Sorry, I just had to ask, no worries, fascinated. So I had my first ghost experience. I've never had a ghost experience or any paranormal activity that I would say Was physical like so when I do mediumship, it's all in your head.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's like imagine pink elephants. That's how mediumship works for me. They use my, they use visualization in my mind's eye. I'm clairvoyant. They use my physical body and then Claire sentience, like the sense of knowing, like I just know what, what they are trying. I'm good with personalities, right. Yeah and but I've never had a ghost situation ever. Okay, sometimes we'll sit there and go. You can show yourself and I'm like, never mind, don't.

Speaker 2:

Like just jashing you, jesus, show yourself. I'm just kidding. So I had been the only one in the house To look at it because my husband, I think he had to go to work or whatever, and I was able to stay, and so I was the only one that went through the house to Inspect it, I mean to to even look at it. I was making sure it wasn't filled with black mold everywhere, sure, so when I had gone through the house and Went into the master bedroom, I opened the closet and there was a bunch of the mom's clothes in the master bedroom closet.

Speaker 2:

And then we bought the house and it takes a couple of weeks. I don't even know how long, the difference between I don't know how long it is between the Chicago marathon and November 4th, but whatever it is, those are the weeks between A and B. Yep got it, and so we signed the papers in the morning of November 4th and we drove directly to the houses pouring down rain, and this is all on video and social media. So we go in the house, and now I'm walking my husband through the house for the first time. And so we walk into the master bedroom and there's a dresser and they have two twin beds pushed together as a king-sized bed like so cute.

Speaker 2:

And then there's another dresser on the other side of the room and then on the full opposite side is where this closet is. And so we walk past the dresser around the beds and my husband's at the one dresser by the window, all the way across the room and I open the closet door and I go ah, he took the mom's clothes. Someone must have come in and taken some of the stuff out maybe a realtor, whatever I don't know and my husband is walking over as I'm saying ah, they took the mom's clothes. And all of a sudden, 18 feet across the room, on a dresser, the music box starts to spin and my husband and I both went hi, thank you for letting us have your house. We'll take really good care of it. Like, we're both like staring at the ceiling, we're like thanks for having us. We hope that you're happy that we've watched your house. We're both like so freaked out. It's like dude, you're a medium, but I don't have those like mean experiences. And so to us it really just felt like a welcome from the mom, like she loved that home. Her daughter got married in the house on the property. They celebrated everything at the island and it was a huge staple in their family and friends. Everything was celebrated there, and so I do from the bottom of my heart and everything that I know that is true.

Speaker 2:

I do believe, because it was literally 17 to 20 feet across the room on a dresser, and someone said well, you know, because you can see him, yeah, yeah, listen here, kevin, because Kevin, or whatever the heck his name was he's like he probably stomped on one of the floorboards. I'm like, bro, the wood runs the opposite, the wood runs this way and this was this way. But anyways, I'd never had that experience and so it was really cool. It felt like a welcome from the mom, it felt like the stamp of approval, and so I just need to go there every week and be like all right, I need help with this tile situation. I need help with the furnace situation, please, and the this, that and the other, because I know she's up there trying to help me make it right.

Speaker 2:

She's since passed away. The dad is still alive. He's unable. That's why, when they left for Florida four years ago, due to health reasons and old age, they never came back. So the daughter yeah, the daughter and the daughter and granddaughter then are the ones that came back and cleared out the house and they messaged me because people were freaking out that knew them. They were like I think that there's a woman that is putting your house on the internet and so everyone's sending her the videos, like because I didn't mean, I didn't reach out to her and so it was like a huge thing and she's like I'm so glad that the house, that you got the house. She's like because when my daughter and I were driving down the driveway and I know it's an 880 foot driveway because that's how much gravel I need to gravel it so yeah, when they were driving down the 880 foot see the dollar signs I do yep.

Speaker 2:

She and her daughter were crying and they said please God, whoever gets this house, let them love it as much as we have. And she said and our prayers were answered and that was just really special. And I'm so glad we talked about the house, because I didn't think we were gonna talk about the house today, but I needed to, I needed to remember, and so talking about this here with you guys today is getting me out of the negative swirl and backing to why I have the house and how special it is. So I appreciate you bringing it up.

Speaker 3:

That's my intuition.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you. Thank you for seeing that Meredith needed something in her life today and you're bringing it to me because I needed it.

Speaker 3:

I was telling Cheryl, the house is so cool and I keep watching all these things and I wanna hear more about it. So yeah, even previous to this, I was telling how much I wanted to talk about the house.

Speaker 2:

You know what's so funny too? Because, honestly, if you saw this house, you'd be like it's just a house. It really is. It gets really just a house, but there is something magical about it. There is something. When you walk over that bridge, it's very special. It's very, very special for some reason, because the house itself is a pain in the ass, but there's something that's good happening there, so I'm excited to share it with everybody.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you spent this time with us to talk about it, because I could talk about houses all day, because, again, I love it. You talked about Gold Posts earlier. Yeah, gold Posts yeah.

Speaker 1:

Gold Posts. Eileen has this wonderful saying, which is this is happening. And this is often how many of our shenanigans get started, one of which was this podcast, and then Eileen had said I think we should really do a podcast. I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then she had done a few podcasts and I was like, all right, tell me a little bit more about this podcast. What's happening? All right, so if I do this, I'm gonna buy myself this, the microphone, I'm gonna get all jazzed up. We'll do this. So we're here now. I think for me, the Gold Posts was this microphone, because I don't think, like, if we started, eileen made it very real. She's like we're doing this. This is the thing. By the way, there's a website. You have stuff you need to fill out. I was like, okay, all right, so this is actually legitimately happening For you. What is your this is happening moment? Like, what's your next Gold Post for you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, honestly, I'm a weirdo Like this morning I was on another podcast that had commercials. I don't take that for granted. Today I'm back with Eileen, who is like a full circle moment from the time that we met. I don't take that for granted. I don't take that connection for granted. I have a call with someone that's like an influencer rep. They help with getting brand deals. I don't take that conversation, I don't take a connection. I have a VA. I have a virtual assistant. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

I mean what the shit? Right, you know what I mean. Like I have a circle light, I have appointments and people scheduling with me. People in my community like know who I am when I walk in places. Like I don't take any of it for granted, I don't look at any of it as it's not a Gold Post, because I know that I was a kid that played four square at the playground and no one wanted me to like get past the C square, like that. Like I couldn't get past Robin Eiley and Tom Cooper. You know what I mean. Like I couldn't, like I was the loser, right, and I look at it and I'm like there's 1.3 million people that want to hear what I have to say yeah, that's stupid, that's insane, you know. And so I'm looking at that and I'm like pinch myself.

Speaker 2:

Like I bought an island. I can tell people that, yeah, you did. Like my husband said. I said what did my husband say? I go, what am I getting for Valentine's Day? He goes you have an island and we don't know anyone that can say that, so you might want to drink that in and here's some chocolate covered strawberries. Like this is the thing like when you have perspective of not being able to get the $10 for Bunko as a single mom, or to go to McDonald's or you're having a rough go to get Christmas presents together, or even just a few short years ago, like money was tight and now like I believe in myself enough to charge what I know I'm worth with clients and I'm setting the goalposts and I'm having I'm doing those Gucci shoes, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you are.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing them. Gucci shoes. If I hit a million followers on TikTok, I hope the universe is listening because we're doing that. As soon as I hit a million followers, I'm going that day. So this is the thing. Even having a conversation with someone that wouldn't have probably been interested in me even a few months ago, I think that's amazing. I think it's amazing to even be on someone's radar that they want to talk to me about. They want me on their podcast. That's insane, and so I don't take any of it for granted. Like to be able to tell my husband hey, I'm on someone else's podcast today. That's nuts. That's a blessing right there, and I don't take any of it for granted. It sounds stupid, but I think it's cool as shit. Think how cool that is. Someone wants to put me on their show. It's cool as shit, I'm here for it.

Speaker 2:

Those are my goalposts Every day is my goalpost.

Speaker 3:

Oh, every day is my goalpost, yes, every day. Shit, meredith, I love it, love you Truly. Yes, I just I had no doubt tonight was gonna be something. I feel more energized now than when we first started, and that saying something for mom with two kids and all of that stuff, but I just, oh, you are a gift to this world and I am so, so grateful to know you, to be even in your realm of knowing is so huge, and I just keep doing what you have been doing and forget the haters. Your message and voice and everything need to be out there and I'm just, I can't wait to see you keep rising so I appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

I told someone the other day I said Lady Gaga gets to be Lady Gaga because God knew she was nuts enough to sing the songs and wear the meat suit.

Speaker 2:

And I think that the universe gives us what we're crazy enough to do. And so when I get messages, channel messages, right, and I wake up and I've got coffee staying teeth and my hair is a mess and I probably have a hoodie on and I don't give a shit, right, and I'm making a video of a channeled message and it's 6.30 in the morning. I look at that and I go, god knows, I'm nuts enough to actually get on when I know 611,000 people might see this, might maybe even a million, maybe even 6 million, and my ego is so pushed to the side of what I look like and what I sound like I probably have morning gurgle throat. But this is the thing when you're nuts enough to do something, the universe will keep showing up for you and delivering. So be nuts enough, be crazy enough to go against everyone that tells you you can't do it, you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're not fast enough, you're not pretty enough.

Speaker 2:

No, you are. Don't listen to the world, because the universe will show up and deliver you this crazy-ass house in Michigan on an island. That's gonna drive you absolutely nuts and push you to the end of the earth, but you're gonna grow from it, and you're gonna be better for it, and so is the whole world. So be crazy, be nuts, because that's who gets the prize. It's people that play it safe, who don't leave their house, who are afraid of the world that they're not living. So at least live and be crazy, and the universe will keep showing up for you. So you do. You, eileen, I know you got this. You and Cheryl, both you guys are doing what millions and millions of people are too afraid to do, and that is talk about shit and let people hear it. That's a gift, so celebrate that. It's cool.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, I love you. Thank you so from Cheryl and myself, meredith, thank you so much for being here, our listeners, we love and appreciate you. We have some folks that are listening from Germany Wanted to say Guten Nacht. I believe that is anyway. Yep, I'm a Berkschneider descent. So many Germans down. But welcome to the podcast. Thank you for listening. Have a wonderful evening night, wherever you are, and we will be back for next episode. See you later.

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